Meet a Reader: Sharon Aguanno

  • Sharon Aguanno Reader interview
  • Here on Reade and Write I’m trying out a new idea- I’ve had such a great response from my interviews of authors that I thought it would be fun to interview readers, too! My first reader interviewee is Sharon Aguanno, a woman I met just after my first book, Secrets of Hallstead House, came out. She sent me a message on Facebook asking a question about the book and we’ve been in online contact almost every day since then. If you read the comments after each post here on my blog, you’ll notice that Sharon has been a faithful commenter every week. I’m so grateful for her friendship. Welcome, Sharon!
  • How often do you read?
    I try to read daily. If I am not reading a book, I am reading blogs, which I love!
    What is the name of the last book you finished?
    If audio counts, I just finished listening to Murder and Mayhem in Goose Pimple Junction, by Amy Metz. Although I had previously read it, I wanted to hear the southern speak. And I just finished Maggie King’s Murder At The Book Group.
    Audio books definitely count! What are you reading now?
    I just downloaded Memory of Light, by Mollie Cox Bryan (This is outside of my genre, but I love Mollie’s writing style, so I am going to read it.)\
    I’m also looking forward to reading Memory of Light. What is your preferred genre?
    Mysteries, Women’s Fiction, Historical Fiction, Crime, Detective stories and Law and Order.
    How often do you venture outside your preferred genre?
    That’s a good question. A year ago I would have said never. However, last year I read 75 books- 40 new (to me) authors and many genres. The only genre I will stay completely away from is horror. I am a big
    What was the last book you read outside your preferred genre?
    The Retreat, by Chariss K. Walker.
    Are you in a book club?
    No, I don’t have the patience to read a book at a slow pace. However, I do like when an author adds discussion questions at the end of the book.
    Where do you obtain most of the books you read- from a bookstore, online, the library, borrowed from a friend, etc.?
    Online, and occasionally someone will send me a book via mail.
    How do you decide which books to read?
    I follow lots of author and Facebook pages. When I need a book, I go out to the blogs and pick one.
    What is in your To-Be-Read pile?
    I was upset in January and I discarded my TBR. I figured I would never get to them. Now it’s July and I realize I should have kept it… LOL. There are a handful of books that I downloaded when they were free. Mostly cozies! Kathi Daley, Mollie Cox Bryan, Sarah Hobart, just to name a few. Also, my TBR usually contains authors and books. I see an author on a blog or Facebook page and I go out to Amazon and check them out. For example, if it’s a series, I like to start with the first book rather than their Work-in-Progress.
    Do you pay attention to especially bad reviews of books when deciding whether to buy or read them?
    Absolutely NOT. I have found that bad reviews usually come from people who haven’t even finished the book. A little criticism or suggestion of what a reader would like to see is one thing, but rudeness in a review is unacceptable!
    Amen to that! Lots of people don’t have a favorite book for a variety of reasons. Do you have a favorite? What is it?
    Reading is my passion; I don’t have a favorite book, but lots of favorite authors. When I find somebody I like, I will read everything they write!
    Where is your favorite reading spot? 
    My bedroom. I have a cozy chair and I face a big window looking out onto the street. Since I am on the second floor, I look at roof tops and trees, and I love the sunrise as it comes over the homes in the morning.
  • Anything else you want me to know?
    Yes; since reading is my all time favorite thing to do, I follow many authors and blogs. Occasionally I will come across one that I disagree with and I don’t have a problem stating that. Having said that, I want you and all authors to know that I have the utmost respect for your profession. Being able to create characters, dream up a plot and tie it all together is a talent that the avid reader, like me, only dreams about!
    Thank you! That’s such a nice way to end the interview. I loved having you on Reade and Write! Sharon didn’t mention it, but she has her own blog where she talks about all things books. You can check it out by clicking the following link:
  • I’m looking for more readers who would like to share their love of reading! If you’re interested in being interviewed, let me know in the comments below and I’ll be in touch. Authors, you’re welcome to put on your reader hats and join in!
  • Until next week,
  • Amy
  • P.S. You may have noticed these bullet points throughout my last several posts. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out how to get rid of them. I’ve tried everything.


34 thoughts on “Meet a Reader: Sharon Aguanno”

  1. What an awesome interview. I don’t think I’ve seen a reader interview on WP, ever. How fun and informative! I never thought of having questions for discussion at the back of a book. I have bookclub questions on my website, but a reader wouldn’t know that. So much great information. Thanks Sharon and Amy!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sharon, thanks for reading Murder at the Book Group. And Amy, thanks for starting the Meet a Reader series. Sharon was the perfect person to kick it off. Like I posted on FB, I just may steal the idea!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a great idea, Amy. And you couldn’t have picked a better reader. You are right, Sharon is passionate about reading, and I’ve found her to be the most supportive and encouraging reader an author can have. Thank you for introducing her to my books. Because you did, I now have a wonderful friend. Fantastic post, ladies! You both are awesome.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What a delightful interview! I had the pleasure of finding Sharon, and her blog, probably via you, Amy, and have enjoyed our comments to each other via our blogs. Sharon seems well-versed on different genres and writing styles, and is such a wonderful supporter to writers! I appreciate her, and I appreciate you interviewing a reader like Sharon.
    Oh, and I appreciate the humor of you trying to get rid of your bullets. I’ll tell ya – technology: love it or leave it. But since we can’t leave it, we gotta try and love it. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. I’ve only met Sharon in person once, but I hope to see her again sometime. We’re on opposite sides of the country right now. I always tell people that when Sharon says she’s going to check out an author’s book, she does it…and fast. Then she reviews it. She’s a writer’s dream.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s so true. I sometimes wonder how bitter some people must be to write a review that is downright mean. I know some books just aren’t a good match for some people, but there’s no need for nastiness.


      1. Yes, it’s true and it’s unfortunate. Being able to review confers a certain amount of power and some people abuse that power. After all, there’s such a thing as constructive criticism.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Sharon, it was wonderful to have you here! I know I’m not the only author who appreciates all you do for us. You are tireless in your promoting of our works and I think I can speak for all the authors who love you when I say we can’t thank you enough for your friendship and your commitment to reading!

      Liked by 2 people

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