Social Media Primer

When my editor called me in August, 2013, with the good news that Kensington wanted to publish my first novel, one of the things he told me was that I should have a presence on Facebook as a writer. It would allow readers to find me online easily and also allow them to interact with me and with each other. So I got a Facebook author page. The publisher also wanted me to be accessible to readers not on Facebook, so I started my blog, got myself a website, and signed up for Twitter, too.

I’m supposed to update the status of my author Facebook page at least once a day, but frankly, sometimes I find that a little forced. Even boring. And I’m quite sure I’m not the only one who feels that way. For any of you who may be unfamiliar with Facebook, it is common for authors to dedicate a Facebook/social media page to news about their work, their author events, their publicity, etc. And it’s important to keep it updated so people know what an author is currently working on or promoting.

I like to use my author Facebook page to introduce readers to the places I write about. It’s common for a reader to find pictures of Boldt Castle, Singer Castle, the Thousand Islands, and other upstate New York locales on my author page. As I move into 2015 with a book out in April, I’ll be posting photos of South Carolina, the Lowcountry, and Charleston more frequently, since that area of the U.S. is the setting for my new book, The Ghosts of Peppernell Manor.

I also like to post funny things I find online that might be of interest to readers, such as grammar puns, literary cartoons, and jokes about books.

I try to limit bald-faced promotion on Facebook and Twitter to one day a week, usually on Tuesdays, when I invite people to have a look at my blog post for the week. As a release date gets closer, I do have to do more outright promotion, so those posts become more frequent. The same is true for this blog. As you know, I often mention my books in my blog posts, but it’s almost always in connection with another point I’m trying to make. And as the release date nears, I point my blog readers to the places online where my new book is being featured. You are free to check out those sites, or you don’t have to. It’s completely up to you.

If readers aren’t on Facebook (and believe me, there are plenty of reasons not to be part of Facebook) or Twitter or they don’t follow my blog, they can always go to my website, where they can send me an email to contact me. They can also read more in-depth about my books and find music and wines that I suggest for a nice evening of reading.

Here are the links to the places you can find me online:

Twitter: @readeandwrite

Are there things you’d like to see on my author page, my blog, my website, or in my tweets? I’d love it if you’d share your thoughts with me.

Until next week,


P.S. If you’ve read Secrets of Hallstead House, would you consider leaving a review on Amazon,, or Goodreads? I never realized until I wrote my first book how important it is for readers to leave book reviews on these sites. Reviews help drive traffic to authors and businesses, and the reviews are very much appreciated. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Social Media Primer”

  1. Well Amy, I for one, love reading your postings… I am not a fan of Twitter, although I do have an account… LOL… I do however, love Facebook… Since I have lived in many places, I have met lots of people and I usually move on with a friend or two, depending on the length of my stay. I absolutely dislike negativity, so I usually just scroll past those posts and post something positive myself. Sometimes I get into some friendly banter with my sons, hopefully never offending anyone, because truth be known, all three of them are mama’s boys (shhhh!). And for that, I am very thankful, since many boys leave home and don’t look back. My boys fight over where I should live. Having said all of that, I understand your concern about sometimes being forced. I had thought about writing a blog when I retired a few years ago, but I never wanted to do something just for the sake of doing it because then it would feel forced… and Retirement has been wonderful for me… better than I had ever expected. I use to read 4 or 5 books a year, now I read 40-50.. Loving it. Anyway, keep writing and blogging… there are lots of out here enjoying it… p.s. I love your pics of the 1000 islands, especially having spent this past summer there… 🙂


    1. Hi, Sharon! I’m glad you enjoy my posts. When I started blogging, I wanted to write about writing every week, but I actually find that a little boring and I imagine plenty of readers do, too. I like to read blogs with content that varies from week to week. I agree that it’s best to scroll right past the unpleasant stuff on FB, and there’s plenty of it. You are a very lucky woman to have sons who fight over where you should live–you certainly did something right raising them! From what I hear about them, you did a lot of things right. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!


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