Great News!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been invited to attend the 2019 Barbara Vey Reader Appreciation Weekend (BVW)! On April 26-28, I and 59 other authors will be on hand in Wisconsin to celebrate the love of reading and writing with lots of avid readers.

This will be my first trip to the BVW (and last, since 2019 will be the final year of the legendary event), so there will be a lot of people I have yet to meet, and I’m really excited!

If you’re in the Midwest or plan to be traveling through the area in late April, please stop in! There will be several free events that are open to the public, as well as several ticketed events during which readers can interact on a more personal level with lots of authors and other readers. The keynote speaker for the weekend is Meg Tilly, renowned author and actress (I still remember her fabulous performance in “Agnes of God”).

The events include Author/Reader BINGO, Author Q & A, Romance Jeopardy!, a Saturday luncheon with the authors, book signings, a Saturday night pizza party, a big Saturday night party, and a Sunday morning breakfast with the authors. I would love to meet you if you’re able to attend, and I know all the other authors would, too.

Please visit for more information, and you can visit this link to purchase tickets.  I still have openings at my table for Saturday luncheon and Sunday breakfast, so if you’d like to learn more about me and the books I write, please visit my website. I’ve already got some fun plans for the people who share my tables.

I look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee!

Until next time,



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