Black River, Black Deeds

Black River by Matthew Spencer

Two murders of young women in an upscale area of Sydney (Australia) have local residents on edge. The crimes bear significant ritualistic similarities, enough to classify the perpetrator as a serial killer. BMK, he’s called. The Blue Moon Killer.

When a third young woman’s body is found on the grounds of an elite private school during the summer break, there are some indications it could be the work of BMK. But there are differences, too. What do those differences mean? Is BMK toying with the police? Is there a copycat killer out there? Is he altering his modus operandi?

Detective Sergeant Rose Riley, a member of the task force trying to find BMK, is on edge. She’s got this case on her mind night and day. More than anything, she wants justice for the victims. Her quest to do right by the murdered women and their families not only leads her to the hallowed halls of power and money, but also to the sickening depths of human depravity and straight into the sights of a killer.

She and her team need help, and they find it—more or less—in the form of Adam Bowman, a reporter who likes his booze and has a murky connection to the school where the third body was found. Rose and her team feed Adam exclusive but limited information, and his stories serve to rile up certain persons of interest.

The question is this: can Rose and the task force, with Adam’s help, figure out who BMK is before he strikes again?

If you’re looking for a page-turning thriller, this book should be in the running. The action moves at a fast clip and there’s always a lead that needs to be investigated. Rose’s boss is a hard-driving Detective Chief Inspector who lives and breathes the work of the task force. He trusts Rose and gives her the support and freedom she needs to pursue leads and theories. It’s a great working partnership, and that was one of my favorite things about the book.

For the most part, the book alternates between two points of view: Rose’s and Adam’s. I liked getting to know each character in more depth, but at the same time I felt like I knew all the other characters pretty well, too (which is not to say I liked them all—some of them are despicable). Many readers don’t like books that oscillate between points of view, but I find it exciting and a great way to get inside characters’ heads.

The author of this story, Matthew Spencer, is a former journalist who clearly knows his way around a newsroom as well as the ins and outs of working with police and other authorities. His experience shines in the book and gives it an overall aura of authenticity. He’s Australian, too, and readers from elsewhere in the world have an opportunity to learn some Aussie phrases and culture.

I highly recommend this thriller to anyone looking for a book with well-developed characters, a fast pace, and an alternative to the more ubiquitous American or British police procedural.


House of the Hanging Jade is on sale for $1.99 this week only! The sale ends at midnight EDT on Friday, 3/15/24, so if you haven’t read it, grab your copy now! Click HERE to go to my website, where you can be redirected to your favorite online bookseller.

My publisher owned the rights to the book until last year, when the rights reverted to me. So I revised the story and had a new cover designed for it (I LOVE the new cover). The new version currently has no reviews on Amazon, so I’d love to see some reviews! Thanks!

See you next time!


The Body in the Water

The Maid’s Diary by Loreth Anne White

This book is billed as “psychological suspense,” but that description doesn’t fully capture the incredible layers of suspense—and psychological twists and turns—the story offers.

The plot of the book is complex and involves an intermingling of the past and the present in a way that’s shocking and totally satisfying for lovers of psychological thrillers. There is a tight cast of primary characters: a former Olympic gold-medal skier, his pregnant wife, the wife’s pregnant friend, an elderly lady with dementia, the lead investigator on this mind-bending case, and, of course, the maid.

Trying to summarize the plot of the book would be giving away too much of it, so I’ll just reiterate what the Amazon blurb says: the story is about a maid, Kit, with a snooping problem and a client with a past the color of onyx. Kit is about to get herself into a very dangerous situation, one from which she knows she might not survive. Because someone will stop at nothing to keep that dark past hidden.

There’s a lot to unpack in the book. At its heart is the notion that things are never as they seem. People offer carefully curated illusions of themselves and present those illusions to the world as fact. The rest of the world is drawn in by the beauty and perfection and fairytales people create, and don’t bother (or perhaps don’t want) to look further, to see the beast hiding behind the beauty or the ogre hiding in the fairytale.

The book is written from multiple points of view: an unknown person, the maid, the elderly woman, the lead investigator, the skier, his wife, and a photographer. I found the head-hopping easy to follow because the characters are all so different, but people who do not love head-hopping should be aware of this. There are scenes that address brutal sexual assault, though not in graphic detail. Readers who are particularly sensitive to this topic also need to be aware of it.

There are enough twists in this book to give one whiplash, and I loved it. The story unfolds at just the right pace, with bits of backstory being tantalizingly fed to the reader as the chapters progress. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves psychological suspense, to people who like mysteries told from various points of view, and to anyone who wonders what really goes on in the lives of people we follow online.

Author Spotlight: Linda Berry

Today’s guest author is Linda Berry, whose new book, Pretty Corpse, was recently released. It’s getting fantastic reviews on Amazon and I’m honored to have Linda here today to talk about the book. The subject matter of the story is a little out of my comfort zone, but in Linda’s capable hands I think I’m going to enjoy it. I invite you to share your comments at the end of the post, but please note that Linda is very busy this week with promotion and other activities and may not be able to respond right away.

Tell us about Pretty Corpse.

The year is 1999. A serial rapist is targeting teen girls in San Francisco. While on patrol, Officer Lauren Starkley discovers one of the victims, and she’s shocked to find out the girl is a close friend of her daughter. The case instantly becomes intensely personal. Because she isn’t a detective, Lauren is restricted from investigating, but she does so nonetheless on her own time. Lauren has an uncanny ability to find obscure clues and link them together. Her relentless pursuit of the rapist draws her deeper into his world. He in turn, starts getting closer to Lauren and her daughter. Lauren needs to lure him out of hiding, fast, before her daughter becomes his next victim.

Your novels are filled with an interesting mix of characters. Tell us about that. 

My stories reflect the range of characters each of us knows in real life. We all have people we admire, people who threaten us or are just plain loony. I like to keep readers alert and surprised by creating several interrelated stories that and ebb and flow through the main story. We are all multi-dimensional, and have many stories happening simultaneously in our lives, and sometimes conflict erupts on many fronts. I like to get into those emotional tsunamis and explore a person’s breaking point, and how they deal with the challenge. Complex characters that are bitterly wounded or pathologically twisted are interesting to me. I like to contrast the most vile and repugnant aspects of human nature to the most heroic and noble, and throw some quirky characters in for good measure.

How did you research this police thriller?

To write authentically, I do extensive research. That doesn’t mean I let my fingers do the walking. I have to give a big thank you to the police officers at Mission Station in San Francisco in 2001, when I wrote this first draft. My research for Pretty Corpse came in the form of dozens of ride-alongs I did with various female patrol officers. I chose the night shift when the city was rife with criminal activity, and I got to see these courageous women in action. Several of my characters were inspired by the female cops I came to know, and also by the captain of the station, who gave generously of his time to help me authenticate my writing. Many of the side stories in Pretty Corpse are based on actual events relayed to me by police officers from Mission Station. 

Where do you write?

I write in a sunny office in my home overlooking a canal and peaceful wooded area. I live in Central Oregon, a resort town in the shadow of the Cascade Mountains.

You were an award-winning copywriter and art director for twenty-five years, and worked part of that time for the film industry. How did that experience shape your decision to become a novelist?

I had the privilege of collaborating with talented writers and some of the best editors in the business. I love books and have been an avid reader my entire life. I wrote novels as a passionate hobby. In fact, my three novels released this year by Winter Goose Publishing are the result of my efforts spanning a decade. Now that I’m retired, I write every day. It’s so much easier to produce good work when you can keep your train of thought moving forward, and are not constantly interrupted. 

What do you love most about your work?

I love the creative process itself—the challenge of developing and constructing plots that continually surprise the reader and hold them in a state of suspense. Writing is both a passion and a compulsion—a truly satisfying form of escape. My reward comes when a reader tells me they couldn’t put my book down and they talk about my characters as though they’re real people. Then I know I did my job well.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Happiness comes to me in many forms. Appreciation of life itself is the foundation of happiness. I find this planet miraculous, from subatomic matter to the galaxies in space. I enjoy the beauty of ecosystems, how so many forms of life—plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, insects—the smallest creature to the largest, are dependent on each other for survival. My idea of perfect happiness is living on a healthy planet where people live together in peace and are trusted guardians of nature.

What is your greatest fear?

Being impoverished, homeless, or mentally or physically impaired and dependent on others. I did undergo some terrible threats to my health six years ago. I had a bout of debilitating pain for about 8 months, which diminished my ability to enjoy life. I’m now completely recovered, and feel I’ve been given a second chance at life. The experience sharpened my awareness of how fragile life is, how it can be taken away in an instant, and how one might be forced to languish in pain for a period of time. It heightened my appreciation for the quality of life I have now, for every precious moment I’m healthy and independent.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Lack of patience. Sometimes I get caught up in the everyday demands of life, and the illusion that I don’t have enough time to do everything I want to do.  I have to remind myself at times to live in the moment, address what is happening right in front of me, and listen to people, even when I feel I’m short on time. Giving another human being a few minutes of conversation can make a huge difference in that person’s life. Kindness goes a long way.

Who in your profession do you most admire?

I read everything, and admire countless writers, from journalists to screen writers to poets to authors. I especially love mysteries, and I read an average of two books a week. If the writing is solid, and the story is well-constructed, I’ll read it regardless of genre.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Disconnecting from the world. Getting out in nature with my husband and our dog in our motorhome. I love being on a lazy schedule and disconnecting from social media, where the only decision I have to make is when to eat and what hikes to take. I can write in uninterrupted peace for hours at a time, surrounded by nature, sometimes listening to the gentle patter of rain, watching water drip off leaves. I love going to national parks, off season. We went to Bryce and Zion and Arches and the Grand Canyon two years ago. Last year we went to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, and this year we may be going to Yosemite.

On what occasion would you lie?

I don’t tell big extravagant lies, but I do tell baby lies frequently, mostly when complimenting people. For example: “no, your ass doesn’t look big in those jeans” or “you look marvelous” when in actuality, you look hungover, and you have stains on your shirt.

What do you dislike most in your work?

When I hit a brick wall and I have to stop writing, sometimes for days, while I process my story and play out different scenarios in my head. I never force the creative process. What generally helps me break through the logjam is reading. I’ll bury my nose in a good book, and before long, ideas start percolating to the surface. I also have a muse, my nail goddess, who’s held captive doing my mani/pedi for 2 hours, and I bounce ideas off her. She has a creative mind and has been a wonderful contributor to my stories for years.

When and where were you happiest in your work?

This current period in my life is the happiest. Now that I’m retired, I have the luxury of writing every day. I wake up eager to get to work. I take my coffee up to my sunny office and dig in. I believe I’m at my most happiest when my husband and I are traveling and we’re parked in a beautiful wilderness area and the peace of the place seeps into my bones. I can write with no interruption.

If you could, what would you change about myself?

I would take twenty years of physical wear and tear off my body. Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, I would change nothing. If I had to lose twenty years of life experience to be in a younger body, I would say no. I’m more at peace with myself at this stage of life than I have ever been.

What is your greatest achievement in work?

Having three novels completed and coming out this year, 2017. It’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment to see the culmination of years of work and endless rewrites in a physical book. Hidden Part One and Pretty Corpse are out, and Hidden Part Two comes out in September. I’m expecting my fourth mystery, Quiet Scream, to be out in December or January.

What is your most marked characteristic?

My friendliness, and my sense of humor. I have always had a keen interest in people and I’m a good observer, passionately interested in humans and the world around me. I’m an optimist at heart, and I’ve been blessed with a jolly spirit. I enjoy socializing but the greater part of my waking life is spent in solitude, writing, reading, and doing projects.

What is your most inspirational location in your city?

I like to get out on the wilderness trails with friends and dogs. We have a beautiful river, the Deschutes, that meanders through town and its character changes every foot of the way. There are many meadows, sagebrush flats, waterfalls, and breathtaking views of the Cascade Range. The look of a wild river, the various sounds of water rushing, falling, cascading over boulders, is invigorating and soothing. Hiking clears my head of thoughts and worries and puts me in a state of peacefulness.

What is your best advice for beginning writers?

Write about something you love and then your passion will come out in your words. Write often, everyday, if possible. Read, read, read. I read one or two books a week, and I also watch movies and TV productions that tell good stories. I take notes. I have volumes of notes, and refer to them daily.


Watch Linda’s Youtube trailers:


Pretty Corpse:





Best of luck with the new book, Linda!

Until next time,
