My Summer Reading Wish List

Since the official start of summer is only two days away, I thought I’d get a jump on deciding which summer-themed books I’d like to include in my seasonal reading wish list. This is only a guide: we all know I’m never going to get through the list before autumn begins. But I can try. Since I don’t read too much romance, I’ve stayed away from books that are primarily romances. If that’s what you’re looking for, I encourage you to Google “summer romance books” and see what you can find (there are billions).

If you’re interested in any of the books below, click on the title and you’ll be redirected to its Goodreads page.

The Weekenders: A Novel

The Weekenders by Mary Kay Andrews


The Beach House Cookbook by Barbara Scott-Goodman


A Garden Wall In Provence by [Knowles, Carrie Jane ]

A Garden Wall in Provence by Carrie Jane Knowles


Miss Julia Weathers the Storm: A Novel by [Ross, Ann B.]

Miss Julia Weathers the Storm by Ann B. Ross


The Identicals: A Novel by [Hilderbrand, Elin]

The Identicals by Elin Hilderbrand


To Kill a Mockingbird (Harperperennial Modern Classics) by [Lee, Harper]

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


The Outermost House: A Year of Life On The Great Beach of Cape Cod by [Beston, Henry]

The Outermost House: A Year of Life on the Great Beach of Cape Cod by Henry Beston


Bats and Bones (The Frannie Shoemaker Campground Mysteries Book 1) by [Nortman, Karen Musser]

Bats and Bones by Karen Musser Nortman


Deadly Readings (Jenkins & Burns Mysteries Book 1) by [Bradford, Laura]

Deadly Readings by Laura Bradford


Death by Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake (A Death by Chocolate Mystery) by [Graves, Sarah]

Death by Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake by Sarah Graves


What’s onย yourย summer reading list?

Until next time,


21 thoughts on “My Summer Reading Wish List”

  1. Hi Amy, you have some great books listed here. I’ve added three of them to my list (I will probably not get that far down on my list this summer). I just finished reading Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, Ohio by Serena B. Miller for our book club and have a stack of promised books on my desk. Yep! Too many books, too little time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I just got The Outermost House out of the library yesterday and I got halfway through the introduction before I was called away. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the title of the book you just read! I’m thinking of adding a feature to the blog where readers share what they’re reading. Easier than a book club!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great list. Youโ€™ve got some goodies here. I remember starting The Outermost House. Iโ€™d just finished (and loved) A Year by the Sea (Joan Anderson). I never finished and will now go back and try again. Thanks for the nudge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just saw The Outermost House in my Bas Bleu catalog the other day. I thought I was the only one who might think about reading it this summer, but it seems other people have the same idea. I’d like to take a look at A Year by the Sea–sounds like a good one. Thanks for visiting!


  3. I am currently trying to keep up with the books I was given from Book Gobbler! I need to focus and get them finished so I can write up the reviews. I can’t seem to stay on track for some reason. Maybe after I finish my big language exam at the end of the month I will be able to focus on reading again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ugh. You should see the unread books on my Kindle. There must be a million. I read every spare minute I have and it’s still not enough time. Good luck on your exam! Maybe you just have too many things vying for space in your head right now.

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  4. My summer reading list currently contains a lot of historical fiction, and then a unch of books to help me complete my reading challenge ๐Ÿ™‚ I always read one of the classic mash-up books in the summer, though- Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters is one of my favourites, for how utterly ridiculous it is!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Interesting list, I may steal a few, providing they come in audible. It seems my reading life is becoming more of a listening life. I just finished The Alice Network and am about to start An Innocent Client, by Scott Pratt.

    Have a wonderful week and take it slow!


    1. You are welcome to steal whatever books you want. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sure at least some of them come in Audible. Not all of them are recent releases, so they probably won’t all be available for listening. I’ll have to check out the Scott Pratt book. Take care and have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Interesting list, Amy. I hope you get to read and enjoy at least most of them. I don’t have an official list, but I do keep a spreadsheet for my TBRs. What happens with me is that a book gets introduced to me and I have to read it instantly! I hope to get to Ship of Fools soon.


    1. Maggie, I’m impressed. A TBR spreadsheet! That’s the problem with books, isn’t it? You have to read the ones you hear about right away. Good problem to have. ๐Ÿ™‚


  7. This is a good list, Amy! I’ve never read Mary Kay Andrews, so your post has prompted me! This summer, I’ve decided to read as many classics as I can. I just revisited Pat Conroy’s My Reading Life, wherein he talks about the books that influenced him as a writer, and I decided to focus on some of those he mentioned. I’m starting with Peter Taylor’s A Summons to Memphis! Thank you for sharing your list!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My Reading Life really should have been on that list, too. I’m eager to read that one. It doesn’t surprise me that you’re reading A Summons to Memphis first! Thanks for visiting and have a great day.

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